Exploring Outside the 303
A young child with tousled blonde hair is sitting on a camping cot or small portable bed with a green canvas covering. The child is wearing a red t-shirt with a logo depicting fish and the text 'Summer to remember'. In front of the child is an open notebook, implying they are engaged in some form of schoolwork or educational activity. Beside the child on the cot is a large black dog, likely a Labrador Retriever, lying down and appearing calm and relaxed in the child's company. The scene seems to depict a homeschooling or outdoor learning scenario, with the child and their canine companion taking advantage of the pleasant outdoor surroundings to engage in educational pursuits.

Homeschooling While Traveling: Finding Our Rhythm

Homeschool update: It was very rough for all of us the first 4 weeks. Like tears and hurt feelings for everyone everyday 😫 We have made a complete turn around and on most days we all love it! . . We have found our rythm and timing so we accomplish what is needed without over doing it. We added a few fun things too: -Dice day 🎲 on Thursday so school subjects are in random order -At least one field trip a week -Steve helps with reading/spelling when reinforcements are needed -Watch an educational documentary after lunch for 30 minutes or so . . Homeschooling was the least of my worries when we decided to travel the country. I've learned a lot about myself as a parent and even more about Jeremiah and Addalyn. I pray our time and schooling together has a good lasting impression on all of us. I am definitely closer with my kids then I have been in the past. That's a win in my book 💕

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