Homeschooling on the Road
Learning on the go
When we started traveling fulltime we also started homeschooling. Being a public school kid myself, I didn't know the freedom and joy of learning about things that I actually was interested in until I was an adult. I want to make sure that my kids learn that early.
We are entering our 3rd year homeschool and this year we are diving into more of the roadschool model. It's been really fun so far this summer with focusing on learning on the go in the areas we are at.
It's been eye opening to see the kids interested in learning about the types of seals and sea lions found along the coast because they are seeing them in the wild and have so many questions.
Another stop was to Darlingtonia State Natural Site that is dedicated to the protection of the Cobra Lily (a carnivorous plant). We probably would have never heard or learned about this flower if we were in the area.
Here's to learning on the go and letting go of reins a bit to help open all of our eyes to learning a different way.
Do you roadschool or unschool? What's your biggest advice to give to newbies, like me?