Exploring Outside the 303
The image depicts a child with messy, curly blonde hair sitting on a green gardening pad, working on a handwritten task. Behind the child is a large, black dog lying on its back on the same pad, with its paws up in a playful manner. The child is wearing a red t-shirt with a fish graphic and the text 'Summer to remember' printed on it. The image suggests a homeschooling or educational setting, where the child is engaged in learning activities while their furry companion keeps them company.

Homeschooling Journey: From Tears to Triumph

Homeschool update: It was very rough for all of us the first 4 weeks. Like tears and hurt feelings for everyone everyday 😫 We have made a complete turn around and on most days we all love it! We have found our rythm and timing so we accomplish what is needed without over doing it. We added a few fun things in too: -Dice day 🎲 on Thursday so school subjects are in random order -At least one field trip a week -Steve helps with reading/spelling when reinforcements are needed -Watch an educational documentary after lunch for 30 minutes or so Homeschooling was the least of my worries when we decided to travel the country. I've learned a lot about myself as a parent and even more about Jeremiah and Addalyn. I pray our time and schooling together has a good lasting impression on all of us. I am definitely closer with my kids then I have been in the past. That's a win in my book 💕

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