Exploring Outside the 303

Fulltime RV Family's Monthly Budget Breakdown

Fulltime RV Travel Family Monthly Budget💸⁠ ⁠ Last month, we did not travel and were in Colorado for Steve's work and to visit with family & friends. We drove a lot but only moved the trailer 3 times. Steve drove into work every weekday and from our home park it is ~90 miles round trip. The miles added up quickly. ⁠ ⁠ "Rent"⁠ State Parks: 9 nights⁠ Home Park: 21 nights⁠ Rent: $369⁠ Cost per night: $12.30 ⁠ 🏞️⁠ ⁠ "Food"⁠ Groceries: $1,120⁠ Restaurants: $364⁠ ⚠️ Colorado food is expensive! We did go a little crazy with eating out but there are restaurants we can only go to while in CO, and they are totally worth it.⁠ 🍴⁠ ⁠ "Fuel"⁠ Total Miles ~2,500⁠ Towed Miles: 1,50⁠ Fuel Cost: $408⁠ Days Traveled: 3⁠ States: Colorado⁠ ⁠ "Entertainment"⁠ Activities: $0⁠ 🎭 We spent most of our time with family and friends at their houses or at our rig.⁠ ⁠ ⚠️ This next month we are focused on eating healthier and not eating any fast food. ⁠ ⁠ ❓What is one category you can reduce spending this month❓⁠ ⁠ Follow for awesome RV Lifestyle ⤵️⁠ @exploringoutsidethe303⁠ ⁠

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