Beach Day with Jellyfish Encounter
Girl time at the beach is just what Addy and I needed. There was riptide warning when we went, the wind was blowing hard and the water was rough, so we opted to play on the shore.
The water brought to shore a ton of Portuguese Man of War among other things. Addy was stung by a jelly fish in the Keys and during our research of what to do we came across it. Man of War is not a jelly fish but is a siphonophore, an animal made up of a colony of organisms working together. The tentacles are venomous and have an excruciating sting. Luckily, Addy was stung by something else and healed quickly.
We walked along the beach and came upon about 40 Man of Wars and decided to call it a day. I was worried we might cross paths with one in the water. What creatures have you seen wash up on the shore?