East Coast Blondies

Tips for Family Photos

✨Tips for taking your own family photos✨ 📸Buy a tripod and remote (there are many options for phones or cameras) 📸Set up the camera and position your family in the viewfinder, leaving a space for you. 📸Take a couple of pictures to make sure everyone is in focus, the lighting is right (with no heavy shadows) and the camera settings are just how you want it. 📸Join the family and take several pictures in that pose, while shifting your weight and moving slightly, every few clicks. Your spouse and older children can do the same. That way, no shot is exactly the same and it gives you more options to choose from later. 📸Direct your family ~ Do you want them looking at the camera, interacting with each other, laughing, being silly, etc? With younger kids, you can guide them as much as possible. Sometimes they may just do their own thing and that’s okay too. Communicating with your spouse is key, so at least the two of you are on the same page. For older kids, you can just announce what to do. Literally all I say is “everyone look at dad” or “laugh” and they all know what to do. It gets easier, as they get older😉 📸Check your camera and switch to a new pose. Repeat all the steps. It may sound like a lot, but it gets easier with practice. 📸Plan on a little outing afterwards (like going out for ice cream🍦). It’s quite the process ~ getting everyone ready and taking a bunch of pictures! Having something to look forward to, keeps everyone happier ~ including mom and dad😁 **Swipe to see what happens when I’m checking the camera and my husband still has the remote😂 Follow @eastcoast.blondies for more tips on all of my favorite things - - photography, travel, hair hacks, and family time!

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