East Coast Blondies

Behind the Curated Feed

It’s true when people say that what you see on Instagram isn’t the whole story. You never really know what a person has been through or currently going through. Behind the curated pictures and videos is a much larger narrative. Here are some not-so-glamorous things about my life to keep it real: 😧My parents divorced when I was a teenager and my dad ran away to Mexico to avoid paying child support. I never saw him again. 🥴I had a major blood clot in high school and had to have one of my ribs removed to uncrimp the vein that was being crushed. I’ll be on blood thinners for life. 😢My third baby was a miscarriage, so I actually have 4 kids. One is my angel in heaven. 🫢I was terribly shy as a child, so much that the kids at school thought I didn’t know how to talk and bullied me for it. 😬I just had a pre-cancerous mole removed and 2 others to keep an eye on. You better believe I will be loading the sunscreen this summer! Which one surprised you the most? We all have stuff. The hard experiences teach us lessons we could not have learned any other way. It makes us stronger, better, and more compassionate. I choose daily to focus on the good. Despite the challenges, there is so much joy! I hope my travel account inspires you to fill your life with joyful experiences, to live it to the fullest, and cherish the moments spent with the ones you love❤️ ➡️Send this to someone who needs this reminder today ➡️Follow my journey @eastcoast.blondies . . .

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