$1B COSTA RICAN MANSION? Am I getting scammed ... 1. Call it Literacy or the love for education. Costa Rica has the highest rural literacy rate at 96% for children. This means that nearly all children in rural Costa Rica are learned. 2. As the rest of the world knows Soda as a soft drink, in Costa Rica, this is a small restaurant that serves cheap food such as rice, chicken, salad, and beans for only US $3 per plate. 3. You can call it superstition or whatever you want to, but in Costa Rica, all Catholic Churches face west. 4. In Costa Rica, streets are not named using names but by the distance between that street and the next landmark. 6. Did you know that Costa Rica is smaller than Lake Michigan? Yes, it is; this is if you measure it from Northwest to Southwest. #costarica #ig_costarica #thisiscostarica #costaricacool #visitcostarica #descubrecostarica #costaricagram #costaricapuravida #costarican #hechoencostarica #venezolanosencostarica #sanjosecostarica #discovercostarica #travelcostarica #misscostarica #costaricaexperts #madeincostarica #costaricalife #costaricatattoo #explorecostarica #costaricatravel #costaricaphoto #modacostarica #igerscostarica #yogacostarica #puravidacostarica #costaricawedding #costaricatraveler