Wilfred Bayudan
The image is a collage of three photos depicting scenes from a rural village. The top photo shows a young boy in a white t-shirt holding a tennis ball and a snack bag, standing on a dirt road with houses and trees in the background. The middle photo features a group of children and adults gathered on a street, some holding or receiving items like toys and trash bags. The bottom photo captures a scene indoors, where people of various ages are gathered, potentially celebrating or enjoying a meal together. The images convey a sense of community, generosity, and simplicity in this remote village setting.

Finally have reception again! Drove a few hours on unpaved roads to the middle of no where with a few boxes of random goodies in the trunk. This is where my family came from. Had a party and had everyone in the town join us for lunch. Me and my cousin passed out tennis balls to the little kids, trash bags to the adults and ice cream to everyone. You'd be surprised to see how excited they were to receive such little gifts. I swear, those old grandmas were about to fight for those trash bags! Be appreciative of what you have instead of being miserable over what you don't šŸ‘

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