Sedona + Jess

Sedona's 20th Week Recap

This is the recap of my 20th week of life and man was it a wild one! Drives with my bro, tricks and cuddles with mum! Walking forward and backwards, NEW @happypawsco_au treats and toys, long walks and easy races (I always beat Finley now), MOM CAN’T KEEP UP THIS WEEK!!! playing with flying water, beach days, fluffy clouds, hangouts with my auntie Sadie, a little fetch here and there, some snuggles in bed, Finley tried to mimic my pose,... he didn’t look as snug,... I murdered my elephant.... and as always trying to be my cutest self to impress my pawrents! What was your favourite part of this weeks recap!? ruff ruff Sedona 🐾

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